Hi :) I’m Wes

I’m the founder of The Curious Life and I wanted to introduce myself as we start this little art-adventure called, Wellspring.  First off, if you’re here reading this, thank you, whoever you are for giving us a little of your precious time.  It seems like we’re all a bit short on time these days, so thanks for being generous with yours.  I’ll keep my intro brief and we’ll get to know each other more over these next few years as Wellspring unfolds.

Like you I’m sure, I’ve had a lot of changes in my life in the last few years.  It’s a long list of changes, but some of the biggest ones are that my wife Zein and I had a baby a year and a half ago and moved to a new house (and for the record, because it’s funny, we sold a car, bought a car, bought a house and had a baby all in the same month, lol. Why not right?) We are currently waist-deep in house renovation craziness, which we’re mostly do all ourselves with help here and there. There is so much being born literally and figuratively lately with our young family, our home, and this project, all at their beginnings.

I’m so excited to see how raising a daughter in our new home and the surrounding woods will shape and inform what Wellspring will be.  I’m learning so so so much about the world in this extra-full-season of life, and I’m hoping that this website/online journal can be a place for and vulnerability and reflection for all of us to “peek behind the curtain” so to speak, and see the inner working of a large-scale project like this.  I/We have made many of these large-scale art installations / Artscapes by now, but we’re trying some new things with this website/format and the Wellspring Hut System.

It feels a bit like an old-school blog to write in a format like this, but honestly, I’m a little burnt out on Instagram right now, so being able to take my time and slow down like this feels spacious to me right now.

So, all that being said, if you’ve ever been interested to see behind the scenes of my art projects and having a look inside the journal/notebooks of the process, I invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and circle back to this site from time to time.  We’ll always be adding new short films (like the one below), and photos, and free goodies to download. and all kinds of other things.

So swing back whenever you need to slow down and we’ll be here :)
Thanks for reading.  Love love love to you today,

***Image of me joyfully covered in paint at Where Water Flows Uphill at LINC in Greeley, CO